Thursday 20 December 2012

Illness and Macrame

Well, it's been a while. I've had a horrible virus that makes half of my face in nearly constant pain, still got it but it’s getting less.

I had a big order of 8 Macrame bracelets this month. Luckily, I find Macrame therapeutic and it helps take my mind off the pain. The blue colours were very popular, and they turned out really well. Now all I have to do is work out how to do my accounts.

 While being ill I’ve been watching a lot of ‘Jewellery Maker TV’ DVDs. This has spurred me on to have a go at my first wirework project, ‘The Tree of Life’. It’s easier than it looks, and I was quite pleased with the result. I used quartz chips for the leaves, I was trying to go for a Gondor style look. Only problem was that some of the colour came off the wire, so I need some nylon covered pliers before I attempt to sell this design. On the bright side, it means that this necklace is mine, and I’ve already had positive comments about it.

Merry Christmas everyone, and I hope Father Christmas brings you all you want.


  1. Beautiful work and wonderful that it's taken your mind off being poorly. Hope next year is also productive (and healthier!) got you :-)

    1. Thanks for the compliments. I'm finally getting better.
