Monday 7 January 2013

Happy New Year

Happy New Year everybody. I hope 2013 is all that you hope it will be. I've been busy:
  • I've opened a Folksy shop. Don't worry, I am not duplicating my one of kind item listings.
  • attended a webinar on tax for the self-employed by HMRC. Definately recommend it for others new to self employment.
For Christmas I made some jewellery, surprise, for my Mum. Now I would upload a picture but Blogger isn't letting me at the moment. So watch this space.

I got 2 really good jewellery making books from my sister, that I can recommend.

  The book on the right has sparked off lots of ideas for tiaras and other hair accessories. Whereas the other book is like a beginners guide to wirework, and thats something I want to investigate further. Now that I've mastered Macrame, this will be my next task.

I've put some new items in my Etsy shop, including my first gizmo wire piece, and a green macrame necklace. These are well worth a look.


  1. I've heard about those Webinar's for Tax, they sound really interesting.

    It's not even been a year for me, so I'm just about to complete my first Tax Return - but I'm hopeless.. so I will be checking those out.

    Enjoy your new books and Happy New Year!

    1. They are really helpful, and yo can ask questions. Just make sre you register now for Government Gateway, I discovered yesterday that I have to wait for my activiation code before Icold do my tax retrn.

  2. Yes it takes a while to register to do a Tax Return online so if its due 31 Jan, get registered ASAP.

    I've also been on a free course run by HMRC on record keeping and tax return. There were about 8 of us all in very similar circs and the fella was excellent and explaining what we needed and what we didn't (the what we didn't was probably the best bit)

    Happy New Year

  3. Hi, the book you are showing there on the left is really great, I haven't really made anything form it, but it gives me so much inspiration and I always love to come back to it from time to time :)
    Tax isn't as scary if you keep your records. If you are doing really a lot and have loads of records it is better to get some help :)
